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Перечень изданных и принятых к публикации статей в зарубежных изданиях по результатам научно-исследовательской деятельности за 2020 – 2023 годы

  1. Berezhnoy V.I., Martseva T.G., Berezhnaya E.V., Glaz J.A., Tolmachev A.V. Aspects of governance of socioeconomic processes under policies of restrictions // Aspects of governance of socioeconomic processes under policies of restrictions / Бережной В.И., Марцева Т.Г., Бережная Е.В., идр. //REVISTA INCLUSIONES. – 2020. – VOLUMEN 7 – NÚMERO ESPECIAL. – С. 1 – 12.
  2. Gladilin V.A., Mandritsa O., Chalova A.A., Kazakova I.N., Zolotukhina I.V. Digital technology in the design of nonlinear (parametric) objects environmental space // INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRENDS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. Volume 9, №3, May-June 2020.- С. 3173-3177.
  3. Prokhorova V.V., Gladilin A.V., Ivanova I.G., Klimenkova M.S., Malashenko N.L. Sustainable economic development model for agricultural holdings based on effective corporate governance // Revista Gênero e Direito. 2020. – Т. 9. – № S3. – С. 631-642.
  4. Liliya F. Sukhova, Yuliya A. Glaz, and Lyubov V. Agarkova Economic Evaluation of the Corporate Projects’ Efficiency // Industry Competitiveness: Digitalization, Management, and Integration. AlekseiV. Bogoviz, Yulia V. Ragulina Editors – Moscow, Russia, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. – Volum 1. – 402- 411 pag.
  5. Pokotilova T.E., Ulibina L.K., SinkovD.V., KhalilovaKh.A., Panarina E.A. The civilizational approach to studying the phenomenon of Russian pre-revolutionary charity // Revista inclusions. Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Volumen 7. Abril/Junio 2020. ISSN 0719-4706. Pág. 148 – 156.
  6. Troshkov A.M., Bogdanova S.V., Ermakova A.N., Dronov S.N., Shuvaev A.V. Designing the algorithm of profiler’s decision-making // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineeing, 2020, 873(1), 012012
  7. Artem G. Martirosyan, Evgeny A. Kolomiets, Vladimir B. Goltsov, Yuri N. Andreev, Aminat T. Bogatyryova. The Influence of German Legal Doctrine on the Formation of the Principle of Good Faith in the Civil Law of the Russian Federation // Caderno Suplementar 03, 2020. ISSN 2316 – 1493
  8. Bokovnya A.Yu., Khisamova Z.I., Begishev I.R., Sidorenko E.L., Ilyashenko A.N., Morozov A.Yu. Global analysis accountability for fake news spread about the covid-19 pandemic in social media // APPLIED LINGUISTICS RESEARCH JOURNAL. 2020. T.4. № 7. рр 91-95.
  9. A.Y. Bokovnya, I. R. Begishev, Z. I. Khisamova, N. R. Narimanova, L. M. Sherbakova, A. A. Minina. Legal Approaches to Artificial Intelligence Concept and Essence Definition // Revista San Gregorio. 2020. № 41. pp. 116-121. ISSN 1390-7247, e.ISSN 2528-7907
  10. Sadovoy V.V., Shchedrina T.V., Trubina I.A., Morgunova A.V., Franko E.P. Cooked sausage enriched with essential nutrients for the gastrointestinal diet // Foods and Raw Materials, 2021, vol. 9, no. 2 https://doi.org/10.21603/2308-4057-2021-2-345-353.
  11. Sadovoy V.V., Voblikova T.V., Morgunova A.V., Permyakov A.V. Development of a food antioxidant additive technology out of grape pomace // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Сер. “International Conference on Production and Processing of Agricultural Raw Materials – Technology of Processing, Storage and Recycling of Plant Crops” 2021. С. 022080.
  12. Sadovoy V.V., Trubina I.A., Shchedrina T.V., Shaltumaev T.Sh. Modeling formulations of food with prophylactic antidiabetic properties // IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE. Innovative Technologies in Agroindustrial, Forestry and Chemical Complexes and Environmental Management (ITAFCCEM 2021). 2021. С. 012087.
  13. Sadovoy V.V., Voblikova T.V., Morgunova A.V. Using neural network technologies to assess the quality characteristics of food // IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE. Innovative Technologies in Agroindustrial, Forestry and Chemical Complexes and Environmental Management (ITAFCCEM 2021). 2021. С. 012088.
  14. Vladimir I. Berezhnoy, Olga V. Berezhnaya, Tatyana G. Martseva, Viktor N. Glaz, Elena V. Berezhnaya Modern aspects of Russia’s foreign trade policy and its export potential in the grain market // LaplageEmRevista, 7(Extra-D), p.434-451. 2021 https://doi.org/10.24115/S2446-622020217Extra-D1124p.434-451.
  15. Elvira A. Rusetskaya, Lubov V. Agarkova, Irina A. Belozerova, Yuri N. Belugin Problems and main mechanisms for improving innovative management in insurance companies // The Challenge of Sustainability in Agricultural Systems. – 2021. – Volume 2. – С. 164.
  16. Sergey M. Gorlov, Inna N. Kazakova, Sofiya G. Kilinkarova, Elena V. Sharunova, and Evgeny A. Shevchenko The Problems of Employment and Unemployment on Regional Labor Markets in the Digital Economy // Meta-Scientific Study of Artificial Intelligence, pages 211-221 Copyright © 2021 by Information Age Publishing All rights o f reproduction in any form reserved.
  17. Oksana Mikhoryanova, Larisa Klueshova, Nina Rusakova, Olga Mirgorodskaya Sustainability of micro-enterprises in the digital economy // E3S Web of Conferences. – 2021. – Volume 250.
  18. Vladimir I. Berezhnoy, Tatyana G. Martseva, Elena V. Berezhnaya, Olga V. Berezhnaya, Alexey V. Tolmachev Implementation of Russian Transport and Logistics Potential in the Export of Grain Products // RevistaGeintec-GestaoInovacao e Tecnologias Vol. 11 No. 4 (2021), р. 980-993.
  19. Zolotarev S.P., Chudnova O.A., Chvalun R.V., Bulankina N.N., Ivashova V.A. Readiness of the University Economic Programs’ Graduates for the First Employment // XV International Scientific Conference «INTERAGROMASH 2022», Издательство: Springer 2023. ( pp 2033–2043) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-21432-5_222.
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